Thursday, August 09, 2007

belgium and kecskemet

equipment from the days when men were men and boys were boys and cels were painted....

truth in advertising is refreshing.
nice studio

Martin Fagin shows em how its done.
No school like the old school.
Hungarian Zoetrope.

Candle lit Edit and Vera
Camille has a strange penchant for dummies.
Foreground - Fabs , Darko, Martin, Monkeyman Moore.
This Nicht will last for a thousand Beers!
Darko, Martin, missing link.
Monkey man tries to look like he is capable of inteligent thought, Edit and Hungarian animator converse politely in background.
Cool door handle in the Hungarian studio.

Camille gave me these photos she took in Kecskemet and in Belgium for the blog.
Nora spend the last week and a half with the crew in Belgium working on the animation, sounds like she had a good time and certainly the stuff id looking good from there.
She even animated a few scenes there too...which is nice.
Man, its only in photos I realise what a hairy monkey I am.


  1. nice photos
    long live to the painted cels...
    well, they had something special, didn't they?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
