Friday, December 18, 2009

Anam An Amhrain (Soul of the Song)

Behold! All year Salooners near and far have toiled on this series of music videos that will be broadcast this Christmas on TG4.

Another Saloon/Sonta co-production in the spirit of Cuilin Dualach (Backwards Boy) but this time with a variety of Salooners taking the directing and designing reigns...

Nora Twomey cut these trailers together to give you all a sampler of the stylistic variety on offer.

And for our foreign fans, although the Gaelic will be largely impenetrable I believe the music will carry itself nicely with the visuals and you will be able to avail of the DVD release in 2010 from our Saloon Shop!

Cailleach an Airgead from Cartoon Saloon on Vimeo.

An Damhán Alla from Cartoon Saloon on Vimeo.

Amhrán na Bo from Cartoon Saloon on Vimeo.

An Puc ar Buile from Cartoon Saloon on Vimeo.

Dun do Shui from Cartoon Saloon on Vimeo.

Bean Pháidín from Cartoon Saloon on Vimeo.

An Seanduine from Cartoon Saloon on Vimeo.

Oró se do bheatha abhaile from Cartoon Saloon on Vimeo.

Cad e sin from Cartoon Saloon on Vimeo.

Tá Dhá Ghabharin Bhui Agam from Cartoon Saloon on Vimeo.

Greasai Brog from Cartoon Saloon on Vimeo.


  1. Wow these are all beautiful! I love how the style varies so much between each one, and different chances are taken with design. I don't know the language but the songs sound wonderful too. Great work!

  2. It's about time there were cartoons in gaelic!

  3. *yay!* My favourite out of the lot has to be 'Bean Phaidin', the music and animation are amazing in what is the story of my life. ;)

  4. where and when can we buy them please please please???

  5. Will these songs be out on CD? They are FANTASTIC, along with the wonderful animation.

  6. Hi,
    Are these available on DVD ?
